Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Family Friends Part 1

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Round 3

We had our third prego visit this past wednesday unfortunately I was late so wasn't able to attend though. Aside from that it looks as though everything is going alright. This appointment was fairly uneventful however this is the point where the couple decides if they would like to have some pre-screening for various disorders. We opted to not get any of the tests done. Either way the child that awaits will be showered with undying love. Sure, if something is different it will give us time to prepare but we figure just let ride. The baby's heartbeat is till strong and Carrie is doing well. Although Carrie has not gained weight the doctor told her just to make sure she puts down some more calories but nothing to worry about. She is appearing to show little by little and starting to get a little pooch, if you will.

Carrie seems to be feeling pretty good. She has been staying active through various activities and is excited about her first season as the Fort Collins Buckaroos head coach.

We just moved down to Fort Collins and are almost settled into our new diggs. This helps split the drive up and since we are having the baby in Fort Collins this only makes sense.

All that said we are doing well and eagarly awaiting the arrival of our first child. I have been having some crazy dreams I must say. I continue to envision life with another Generation III Barker. That probably leads to all of my crazy dreams.

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