Monday, September 21, 2009

Anticipating Christmas

Although due dates are just tentative dates in which is nothing more than a guideline, I cannot help but be a little disappointed my little girl has not arrived. While sitting at home I was reluctant to travel to Cheyenne for a family BBQ because I really wanted this to be the day, needless to say it was not. I had a feeling all day, however that was probably fabricated by my selfish thoughts.

Today is the official due date and the whole night I slept uneasy as I awaited Carrie to wake me and say "Let's go." For the past few nights, sleep has been at a premium, as nerves and anticipation overwhelm me.

When I am away from Carrie I constantly check my phone, even more so than my normal "Crackberry" habits. I walk with my phone in hand and check it with each step it seems.

I knew a month ago, this would happen. I knew I tell myself every year as Christmas approaches to slow down and savor the time. Three days before Christmas I want time to come to a complete halt, I do everything to help enable that and all of the sudden I am back at work, looking back at the previous year.

I know when this baby finally does arrive, the time will fly. I think about life in general and see that happen. It seems like just yesterday I was hitting my dad in the knee with a batted baseball, running from my Nana, sneaking my mom's brownies with my friend Brian, posing on the front lawn with my brothers and sister, going over to my aunt's and uncle's houses to play and on and on.

I imagine the same applies for this kid, who is choosing to maintain the status quo and further prolong my anticipation. I guess I can't blame her.

1 comment:

  1. good blog, we are all waiting and constantly pacing and watching our phones to start ringing with good news.
    love you!


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