Friday, December 3, 2010


This year has been a year to remember and I wanted to make sure of that. I wanted to take the time to "smell the roses" if you will. I made some life changing moves, from religion to my overall approach to life. I think for the first time in my life I am embracing "my life".

There are so many days I have taken for granted and with that I let life slip through my fingers. There have been too many times where I wanted to hurry through the day, week, season or whatever it may be. I am 28 years old now and looking back, I realize I have missed too much.

For years I try to satisfy my life with selfishness and through that I realize no satisfaction was ever enough. I had the chance to really learn from people this year and open my mind into another state. Moreover, having a daughter now forces me to look into a new direction all the while living in the now.

I remember laying in the grass as a child imagining the clouds in sky were not just clouds or the card board boxes used for our fortress was hand laid brick. Then when my daughter picks up a blank piece of paper and tears it into pieces and laughs hysterically, i think a little differently.

A cliche you hear a lot when you have a kid is, "you get to see the world again from a new perspective", this cliche is nothing short of the truth. For the first couple of months I took the popular phrase for granted and would dismiss it. Then, call it what you want, I had an epiphany. I realized it is 2010, I am married, I have a baby, a career and a life of my own. I think I forget that. I forget all the things around me for no good reason.

Therefore this year I have taken the time to see it all. For the first time I am mindful of all the things I have taken for granted. Whether it be my emotions, tangible or intangibles, people, places and so on, I am so much more mindful.

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