Sunday, November 29, 2009

Waking Up to You

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Seven Weeks of Life

Life is Good

Just about seven weeks after Averi was born she is growing and gathering her own little personality. Day by day our little pipsqueek continues to amaze us. As most of you know she battled through a bout of swine flu at about 3 weeks old. She is beginning to hold her head up by herself and can still let out a mighty little roar.

At seven weeks Carrie and I assume she is about 10 lbs. Her hair is beginning to lighten up and continue to grow. She is also beginning to koo and ahh. Especially around three in the morning, she likes to lay in her bassinet and chit chat with herself.

With that said she is not so much a morning person. She enjoys sleeping with her mom from 8am to noon or later in some cases. From about noon to 3 or 4 she likes to hang out and look around. We haven't figured out exactly what she is looking at but there is something on the wall that is super intriguing;) From about 4 to 6 she gets cranky!
All that said Carrie is headed back to school this upcoming week and bummed she has to leave baby girl. Carrie has been incredible to say the least, from being a wonderful mom to a wonderful wife I could not ask for much more.

As December approaches I look forward to my time with my baby girl. I get to spend three weeks with her and man is all hell going to break loose at the Barker household. It is a good thing she is not able to walk yet because Carrie would then have to take care of two children.

One of the things most people notice with my family is the close
ness and tight knit of even our extended family. We often have parties on the weekends, often times with nothing to celebrate, just to be together.

We got together with my whole family last weekend and it reminded me of how great it is to have a large family and one that is close.

I became mindful of my cousins and how I do not consider them cousins, more so as brothers and sisters. I became mindful of my aunts and uncles and how they are more fathers and mothers. Lastly I became mindful of my Grandpa and Nana and how lucky I am to still have them around. Likewise how fortunate I am to have Averi and Carrie share this with me.

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